Strip club secrets
Why do we have to pay a cover charge?
Ahh the Las Vegas shakedown. We would love to charge no one a cover charge and just let everyone in for a two drink minimum. However everyone in Vegas wants their cut. There is a dirty little not so secret practice in Vegas of “Cabbie Payouts”. Basically this started quite awhile ago, it’s the practice that strip clubs have to pay cabbies per person they drop off. The way strip clubs do this is by taking the cover charge they get from the customer and giving it to the taxi driver (or Uber/Lyft etc). So what you pay us in a cover charge we turn around and hand to the taxi driver right after you walk in the door. We at the Palomino actually lose money on the whole deal since we actually pay out $10 more to taxi drivers than we charge in cover at times.
Why do taxi drivers always try to steer us to certain strip clubs?
Ever tell a taxi driver you’re going to a strip club, tell him the name of the club you want to go to, and then have them say “no no terrible club” go to this other one instead. Well as noted above they get paid extra for dropping off at strip clubs. Many times throughout the year there are payout wars between the clubs. One club might be paying $30 per person for drop-offs. Another might be paying $50 or $60 (sometimes even over $100 per head). Generally the slowest, and weakest clubs are paying out the most to try to get anyone in the doors. Its almost a guarantee that you’re going to have the worst time at the first club they suggest. This is because the taxi driver is always going to do whatever they can to make you go to a club that pays the most for their own benefit. The best thing you can do is know exactly where you want to go before you get in the taxi. The cabbies will outright lie to you to get the biggest payout for themselves with little regard to you having a good time.
Why are drinks more expensive at strip clubs?
Strip clubs make their money from two places, the girls paying to work there, and the drinks. We have established that we make no money from cover charges due to paying them out. So in turn the way we keep the lights on and people paid is via drinks. Casinos can give them away, or practically give them away, due to gambling. Strip clubs in general have no gambling and are different in that regard. The girls keep the money they make, and we make the money off the drinks.
Why do some clubs serve alcohol and some only serve juice/soda?
There are various laws in place in states that do not allow for fully nude dancers and alcohol. So in a lot of states you’ll see that if a club is all nude, they cannot serve alcohol only juice/soda. But topless clubs are able to serve alcohol in almost all states to my knowledge. The Palomino club is a rare gem in that regard. We’re the only club in Las Vegas, and the entire southwest for that matter, that is allowed to serve alcohol while also being fully nude. We are allowed because we were established almost 50 years ago before these laws came into effect, therefor grandfathering us the ability to continue to do so.
How much are your dances?
Lap dances : $30
These are topless and done on the main floor.
VIP dances: starts at $100 and goes up
These are all nude dances that happen in private areas. The times vary from 3 songs to an hour. These dances require no additional drink or bottle purchases.
Fantasy Room dances – prices cannot be quoted
These dances are all nude dances like VIP but they occur in special themed rooms like a bedroom. We cannot quote a price on this due to the fact they require an additional bottle purchase to get a dance in these rooms. Since we have so many options you’ll have to inquire when you arrive.
Can you touch the dancers?
Disclaimer to start this section…we are not a brothel and sex acts are illegal. Ok now that the not so fine print disclaimer has been issued we’ll answer the question. Many clubs around town and the country have strict no touching policies. You’re basically told to sit on your hands and do your best mime statue impression. Punishments for violations range from warnings, to banishment, to old school mob back room “talks”. What I will say about the Palomino is this, it’s all up to the girl. Some girls want you to touch them and will grab your hands. Some girls do not want to be. As long as nothing illegal is happening, we leave the discretion to the entertainer. The best advice I can give is to simply ask the girl prior to the dance what she is comfortable with and not.